
Showing posts with label Information Technology. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Information Technology. Show all posts

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Full Forms

Did You Know This Full Forms 

¤ Yahoo–Yet Another Hierarchy of Officious Oracle.
¤ ADIDAS–All Day I Dream About Sports.
¤ NASA–National Aeronautics Space Administration.
¤ ISRO–Indian Space Research Organisation.
¤ KML–Keyhole Markup Language is a language schema based on the Extensible Markup Language It’sreleased recently by google to view google maps.
¤ Computer – Commonly Operating Machine Particularly Used for Technology Entertainment and Research.
¤ ICICI–Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India.
¤ HDFC–Housing Development Finance Corporation.
¤ Virus–Vital Information Resources Under Seize.
¤ PSD–Photoshop Document (Photoshop Standard Document)PSD Logo.
¤ PDF–Portable Document Format.

Friday, April 4, 2014

GK Tricks 15 : Based On Information Technology

Multiple Choice General Knowledge Questions
*************** Based On Information Technology ***************
1. This is based on individual who knows how to use information and communication
technologies and those who do not?
(A) Access
(B) Usage
(C) Usage quality
(D) None of the above
Answer: Usage
2. This kind of crime involves altering raw data just before a computer processes it and
then changing it back after the processing is completed:
(A) Data diddling
(B) Data tampering
(C) salami attacks
(D) None of the above
Answer: Data diddling
3. Information Technology Act in India was amended in:
(A) 2000
(B) 2004
(C) 2008
(D) 2010
Answer: 2008
4. This network is an autonomous Inter-University Centre of the University Grants
5. Which of the following is not a wireless communication device?
(A) Blue tooth
(C) Infrared communication
(D) None of these
Answer: None of these
6. Computer to computer exchange of business documents is done through:
Answer: EDI
7. Who started Free Software Foundation?
(A) Linus Torvald
(B) Richard Stallman
(C) Bill Gates
Answer: Richard Stallman
8. Linux is a ..........
(A) Database Program
(B) Application Program
(C) Operating System
(D) None of the above
Answer: Operating System
9. Which of the following is not an e-governance project in India?
(C) Bhoomi
Answer: PRAYAN
10. The resolution of a monitor is governed by the:
(A) Size of the screen
(B) Cost of the monitor
(C) Contrast of the pixels on the screen
(D) Number of pixels
Answer: Number of pixels

Sample Text

An aptitude is a component of a competency to do a certain kind of work at a certain level, which can also be considered "talent". Aptitudes may be physical or mental. Aptitude is not knowledge, understanding, learned or acquired abilities (skills) or attitude. The innate nature of aptitude is in contrast to achievement, which represents knowledge or ability that is gained.


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